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Favorite Takeshi Kaneshiro movie
Total of answers: 346

Always put the link to the TK when posting materials from the site on the other I-net resources!

Main » Photo album » Fanart for TK
If you are not registered at our site we would be glad to help you with placing your fan-art works here. To do so the site administration must receive the letter from you, or you have to register and do it yourlesf at forum in the Fan Creations thread, in the direct fanart subthread or send your works via mail: We are looking forward for your works :)

you can download your Takeshi Kaneshiro fanart pictures here.
1 - only your own works are to be downloaded, if not - name the creator of the fanart pic.
2 - this page is moderated.
3 - only registered users can download fanart.
4 - to download pictures Click HERE.

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