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Takeshi Kaneshiro [102]
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Our poll
Favorite Takeshi Kaneshiro movie
Total of answers: 346

Always put the link to the TK fanclub.do.am when posting materials from the site on the other I-net resources!

This page contains the links to the video creations made by Violette13.

Warlords: trailer by Violette13.
Music: E S Posthumus – Unstoppable.

Author: Violette13
Title: Warlords – trailer
Type: video
Rating: PG

Asia Ai - from Violette13
Music - Michal Jelonek - Steppe

Author: Violette13
Title: Asia Ai
Type: video
Rate: G

Watch the video

Other Violette13 creations not dedicated to Takeshi Kaneshiro:
Jet Li - War - the movie trailer - watch and discuss here.
Jet Li - photoshop fan-art in the video gallery - watch and discuss here.

Go back to the "Fan-art" page.

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*Expired Pine Apple*
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