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Sweet Rain: 死神の精度

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Sweet Rain: 死神の精度
Russian name: Сладкий дождь: смерть точна
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Original name: Sweet Rain: 死神の精度 (Shinigami No Seido)
Release year: 2008
Release country: Japan
Genre: drama, sci-fi, comedy
Runtime: 01:53:16
Studios: NTV, Robot Communications, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Bros., YTV

Director: Masaya Kakei (筧昌也)
Production by: Horibe Tetsu (堀部徹), Kamikura Takashi (神蔵克), Shinya Kurata Takashi (倉田貴也)
Original story by: Kotaro Isaka - Sweet Rain - Accuracy of Death (伊坂幸太郎 - 『死神の精度』(文藝春秋刊))
Music: Geiri Ashiya (ゲイリー芦屋)

Takeshi Kaneshiro (金城武) as Chiba (千葉)
Manami Konishi (小西真奈美) as Kazue Fujiki (藤木一恵)
Sumiko Fuji (富司純子) as Kazue (as Junko Fuji) (かずえ)
Ken Mitsuishi (光石研) as Toshiyuki Fujita (藤田敏之)
Takuya Ishida (石田卓也) as Shinji Akutsu (阿久津伸二)
Jun Murakami (村上淳) as Aoyama (青山)
Erika Okuda (奥田恵梨華) as Takeko (竹子)
Mitsuru Fukikoshi (吹越満) as Kentaro Oomachi (大町健太郎)

Actors on the presentation of the film and on the press-conference (2008.03.22):

You can watch other pictures thorough those links:

The hero (Chiba - Shinigami) comes to say good bye to a little girl who died few days ago. After that, in the city of Shinigami, where there is no time and everything seems strange to a simple human being, Chiba receives the new assignment. Every time he comes to Earth he watches the assignment person for seven days and then takes the person to the world of the dead – all of this time the dog follows Chiba (it is strange ‘cause it is hard to identify who is the master here). The dog and the assignment is not to be considered though there can be exceptions. Chiba is unusual Shinigami who always comes with rain and it does not stop raining until he is gone. He knows it should not be so for he saw the reports of other Shinigami and saw the sun-light but never saw it with his own eyes. First of all Chiba rushes to the music store whenever he is on Earth, he listens to everything – for music – is the best creation of human. Then surely he gets to work. The story told in the movie is about watching a tiny woman who works as the telephone operator, who is scared of life and strange calls from the unknown man. She does not even know how beautiful she is.

The cast is perfect! It is obvious that each actor is a professional one and there was a serious work behind the scenes and casting – all of them are extremely talented)))
While watching the movie it seems that it happens in reality, and sometimes you just want to believe in miracles! Right? ^^

What was good in the movie?
This film could reveal the true love story, hope and miracle! Surely, Takeshi performed Shnigami outstandingly: you can watch him forever – him being such a funny and tender as in a real life – he surely must be like Chiba))

What was bad in the movie?:
Nothing bad actually comes up when thinking of the film... but, fancy... Shinigami do not exist... or what am I writing now?... no one would be glad to meet the death XDD really, I cannot find a tiny bad thing in neither plot nor anything else)))

Impressions of the movie:
It is important to say it now that you cannot compare this movie to anything... on watching it you will be left with the happy and in no time sad thoughts. But the author was definitely trying to give it to us, was not he? ))) The plot is beautiful and since the very first moment you get interested about the hero, realizing that he is Shinigami named Chiba and he comes to take the dead to the other side. It seems that there is nothing special here but while watching the film farther and farther you start laughing at the funny scenes like when Chiba finds his new assignment – young and beautiful Kazue Fujiki! You get attached to the dog who follows Chiba as his part of the body and can talk to him. In general... this movie is watched at one grasp and you will definitely want to watch it over and over))

Japanese Wiki Page - 死神の精度死神の精度/
Kaneshiro - Sweet Rain - Press Con. - Sweet Rain - Shinigami no Seido: Accuracy of Death (2008) - online
Category: TK Movies reviews | Added by: Miyamoto_666 (09.02.2010)
Views: 3856 | Comments: 2 |
Total comments: 2
1 Miyamoto_666  
Nya! Cool, mikomi 14snow 14snow 14snow

2 mikomi  
thank you for the review))))
I am glad you helped)))))
Hope the reviews would appear from other people

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