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God, Please, Give Me More Time

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Russian name: Боже, дай мне еще немного времени
Titles: God, please give me more time / Precious Time / 神様、もう少しだけ
Author of the review: mikomi

Original name: 神様、もう少しだけ
Release date: 7th of July - 22d of September, 1998
Release country: Japan
Genre: Romance
Broadcast period: 1998-Jul-07 to 1998-Sep-22
Studios: Fuji TV

Directors: 武内英樹 [Takeuchi Hideki], 岩本仁志 [Iwamoto Hitoshi]
Screenwriter: 浅野妙子 [Asano Taeko]
Music: S.E.N.S. (Theme songs are - Opening: LUNA SEA - "I for You"; Insert song: Kudo Shizuka - "In The Sky"; Insert songs: Kudo Shizuka - "Kirara"; S.E.N.S. - "Wishes")
Producer: 小岩井宏悦 [Koiwai Hiroyoshi]

Kaneshiro Takeshi [金城武] - Ishikawa Keigo [石川啓吾]
Fukada Kyoko [深田恭子] - Kano Masaki [叶野真生]
Kato Haruhiko [加藤晴彦] - Hibino Isamu [日比野イサム]
Tanaka Yoshiko [田中好子] - Kano Yaeko [叶野弥栄子]
Hirata Mitsuru [平田満] - Kano Nogiro [叶野義郎]
Nakama Yukie [仲間由紀恵] - Kaoru [瀧村カヲル]
Yazawa Shin [矢沢心] - Oda Asami [織田麻美]
Masuoka Toru [益岡徹] - Arida Yoshikatsu [有田佳克]
Tonesaku Toshihide [東根作寿英] - Kubo Takashi [久保隆]
Tanaka Yukimi [田中有紀美] - Tamura Kana [田村香奈]
Takeshita Kotaro [竹下宏太郎] - Isawa Hiroyuki [伊沢浩之]
Nagahori Taketoshi [永堀剛敏] - Noguchi Takaaki [野口孝明]
Isayama Hiroko [伊佐山ひろ子] - Hiratsuka Ishi [平塚医師]
Miyazawa Rie [宮沢りえ] - Takimura Lisa [瀧村リサ]

Masaki Kano – a teenage girl who lives her simple teenage life doing all the things that some girls in Japan usually do in that age. She is found of music composed by Ishikawa Keigo and performed by a famous singer Kaoru. Once, in order to get to the concert of Ishikawa Keigo and Kaoru she has sex with a man for money. That was the way to meet Ishikawa Keigo in reality and the story goes to the relations between Masaki and Keigo... but the trouble is that Masaki finds out that she is infected with AIDS...

12 Episodes:
Ep 01: July 7, 1998 - The love that I staked my life on begins now...A notice of AIDS virus infection (director Takeuti Hideki)
[1998年7月7日 - 命を懸けた恋が今始まる…エイズウイルス感染の告知 (演出 - 武内英樹)]
Ep 02: July 14, 1998 - I like it...Even if you are deprive of living (director Takeuti Hideki)
[1998年7月14日 - 好き…貴方が命を奪ったとしても (演出 - 武内英樹)]
Ep 03: July 21, 1998 - I live...The joy and sorrow (director Daisuke Tajima)
[1998年7月21日 - 生きている…その喜びと悲しみよ (演出 - 田島大輔)]
Ep 04: July 28, 1998 - When the girl's last love is lost (director Daisuke Tajima)
[1998年7月28日 - 最後の愛を失った時少女は… (演出 - 田島大輔)]
Ep 05: August 4, 1998 - Hold a heart...You are nobody (director Iwamoto Hitoshi)
[1998年8月4日 - 心開いてご覧…君は一人じゃない (演出 - 岩本仁志)]
Ep 06: August 11, 1998 - The fight to live...Please give me courage (director Iwamoto Hitoshi)
[1998年8月11日 - 生きるための闘い…勇気を下さい (演出 - 岩本仁志)]
Ep 07: August 18, 1998 - If it's not favorable, it's not possible to live (director Takeuti Hideki)
[1998年8月18日 - 好きじゃなきゃ、生きていけない (演出 - 武内英樹)]
Ep 08: August 25, 1998 - You are not allowed to die (director Daisuke Tajima)
[1998年8月25日 - お前を死なせない (演出 - 田島大輔)]
Ep 09: September 1, 1998 - Fate tramples on love (director Takeuti Hideki)
[1998年9月1日 - 運命が愛を踏みにじる (演出 - 武内英樹)]
Ep 10: September 8, 1998 - Two people and connected nights (director Nishiura Tadashi)
[1998年9月8日 - 二人、結ばれる夜 (演出 - 西浦匡規)]
Ep 11: September 15, 1998 - New life to reduce life (director Daisuke Tajima)
[1998年9月15日 - 命を削る新しい命 (演出 - 田島大輔)]
Ep 12: September 22, 1998 - I FOR YOU...For love and brightness of life (director Takeuti Hideki)
[1998年9月22日 - I FOR YOU…愛と命の輝きのために (演出 - 武内英樹)]

Touching upon this subject I'd say that that was generally great movie. In all aspects actors were excellent. But I guess you would all like to know what exactly am i talking about, so - here is the story:
Takeshi Kaneshiro - sometimes I feel really silly, because I always say something good about his acting...and I would really like to be objective in his case. None the less, when talking about that movie in particular – Takeshi Kaneshiro is great. Sometimes you get to hate him, sometimes you totally loose temper ‘cause he is running away from the main heroine but he loves her and needs her badly... and still you catch your thoughts on the fact that you do not percept him as an actor – only as a character. And in this case – would not that be the real evidence of his acting talent?
Fukada Kyoko - even though I got used to think simply of the actresses who are pretty I would say that she is wonderful. I guess this movie is more to attract the viewer’s attention to her and her character rather than to everyone else. If not her, the story would have been simply problematic – but you would have no such great emotions. And the emotions are on the top while watching.
Kato Haruhiko - I would only say that after watch you will smile recalling him. And this smile would mean you like the guy…though not sure whether it was a character he played of the actor himself.
Tanaka Yoshiko - who can be more important than mother. Actually sometimes you just watch the movie to understand that that is the perfect image of mother. And the more she tries her best – the more you realize how much pain does it cost.

What was good in the movie?:
Sometimes in order to realize that life is full of wonders you have to get experience. But sometimes that is enough to read something or to watch something to understand that once you do something bad – there is no turning back. And you can only live a life that would make it out if you dare to. Even though this dorama is very sad, you get this bright message.

What was bad in the movie?:
That should be said and written on every spoiler to the dorama!!! This movie makes you feel depressed and if you are too emotional, please watch it together with someone else. Surely, I am just joking right now, but this movie really made me personally cry a lot. That is not bad if you are alright with that type of action.

Opening video of the movie:

imdb - Kami sama, mou sukoshi dake - Kami sama, mousukoshi dake sama mou sukoshi dake sama, mou sukoshi dake - watch the dorama online sama, mou sukoshi dake - 神様、もう少しだけ

Category: TK Movies reviews | Added by: mikomi (08.08.2010) | Author: mikomi
Views: 7065 |
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